Bangladeshi Wedding

The marriage ceremony (Bengali: bibaho/bie) follows the GAYE HOLUD ( means that Turmeric is applied relating to the skin) ceremonies. The bridal ceremony is arranged by all the bride's family. The groom, along with his acquaintances (Borjatri), traditionally arrive later in the evening. The groom is sent a motorized vehicle from the bride's team and he rides the car with two elderly mans relatives, one from the bride's team and another from his own family known as 'Borkorta', and therefore the youngest male member right from his family dressed in the form of groom, called 'Neet bor'. Before leaving for those wedding venue, the groom is blessed by an individual's mother, and he formally looks for permission from her in an effort to start a new life along with his would-be better-half. The groom's mother doesn't necessarily attend the wedding considering that it is believed to have negative impacts on her behalf son's married life. In lieu, she waits at home with another sort of ladies for her son and daughter and daughter-in-law ('Bouma'). For the groom arrives, the older female relatives for the bride welcomes him along with the auspicious sound of conch-shells and additionally ululation. Then the bride's the new mom washes the wheel's for the groom's car with Ganga fluids, feeds him sweets and admires him on the 'Bor-boron' ceremony. The bride's family afterward gifts the groom along with the wedding attire, which comes with a 'jore'(silk shawl', 'dhoti' and additionally 'topor', a head-dress produced with pith and zari. The groom wants to wear these clothes within the wedding rituals. It is as well noteworthy that the wood important for the wedding yajna is brought through groom's family, signifying the former's authoritative role throughout the entire ritual. There are purohits from both families and therefore the wedding is conducted also known as dialogue between them choosing Sanskrit mantras. While the groom participates generally wedding ritual from a symptom, the bride joins the software much later after the lady with brought by her friends and friends, seated about the woodden seat called 'piri'. This symbolizes the middle ages ideas of considering a daughter in the form of burden for the home, though nowadays its merely practised in the form of ritual and daughters receive equal affection as daughter's. This is followed through 'Saat paak' when all the bride encircles the groom seven times, still sitting relating to the 'piri' covering her are up against with beetel leaves. Afterward comes the Shubhodrishti, when bride finally puts off the leaves and most of the eyes meet. This is normally accompanied with heavy ululation and additionally blowing of conch covers. The wedding is presided over through bride's eldest male brother, who performs the konnasomprodaan. In conclusion comes the Sindurdaan, when groom fills the bride's forehead/maangwith sindoor. It is then that they will be considered socially married anyone. After putting the sindoor, the bride's forehead is covered by having a saree, called the 'lojja bostro', which is certainly gifted by the groom himself. The 'mala boldol' or possibly exchanging of garlands gives the wedding(seven times encircling all the yajna fire or Agni dev, all the Fire God. )The loose ends for the bride and groom's dresses are tied within the knot called 'jor bandha' or possibly 'gat bandhan', and this is exactly done by the groom's sister, whilst the bride's buddie assists the couple for offering anjali of 'khoi' to Fire God. A grand feast is implemented called 'Preetibhoj'. After every single one of, the couple sits side-by-side and additionally cannot open the knot by which they have been tied together. It is then the bashorghor which is really an informal and friendly partnership between younger relatives and additionally friends from both walls, and it continues within the night. The elders usually steer clear from this event. Basor Raat starts after midnight if for example the wedding ceremony is across by evening. Most Hindu Bengali partnerships are held during daytime.

The next morning, work before noon, the couple make their way from venue to the groom's home for those Ghotis, though for Bangals, a "Bashi Biya" or possibly "Chaturtha-mangal" is held and therefore the couple leaves for all the groom's house after daytime. This is known for the vidaai ceremony, and all the bride makes an recommending of rice "Kanakanjali" to make sure you her mother, thereby clearing lots of the debts that she previously had incurred during her many at her paternal home—although "Kanakanjali" isn't really held in every Bengali marital relationship. While it symbolizes the of celebrations for all the bride's family, it marks the start of the second phase of celebrations that should be organized by the groom's home. On reaching home, the couple is welcomed through groom's mother and all members, in a schedule called 'Bouboron'. Then the elders earn gifts of gold to bride. The bride is afterward asked to walk by means of her feet dipped in aalta about the sari, and her footprints are considered as those of Lakshmi moving into the groom's house. The lady with then shownthe kitchen, store-room and all things signifying prosperity, immense success and happiness of him / her new family. Its also a new day known a "Kaalratri", thin bride and groom ordinarily are not allowed to even see a single another, as Kaalratri was safeguard the delicate night when Behula's husband was bitten because of a serpent, as stated on the Manasamangal Kavya.
Bou Bhaat

Here day, i. e., no cost day of the spouse at her new place is celebrated as Bou Bhaat as using this day, she serves Rice with Ghee to all or any her in-laws at dinner. The evening is celebrated in the form of reception party, where all the distant relatives plus the close ones from all the groom's side are invited and introduced to bride. The bride's members of your family 'Konyajatri' also attend all the reception with 'tatwo'(gtifts about clothes, sweetmeats, jewellery, and all essentials for the spouse and her in-laws). A grand feast is implemented called 'Preetibhoj'- Sanctioned gala dinner to introduce the Bride to society and the entire family. In the old days the dinner was all made by the family themselves. Sweet was made in your home by 'Vien'. Friends and neighbors which is used to volunteer to distribute your meals, which was usually conducted on banana leaves. But now the Catering Service has taken over the whole initiative.


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